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July 12, 2011


that enable us to provide news literacy and civic engagement services through consumer and educational channels.

I understand why you made this decision for NewsTrust. The Center for Public Integrity, along with CJR and Poynter, are as close to unbiased and factual information sources (particularly for politically influenced news) as any, anywhere. Particularly online!

But I'm so sad that NewsTrust as I have known it for the past year (member reviews and news curation) is done. I enjoyed and learned from my participation more than I ever expected. Thank you so much for that.

I hope your pivot into consultancy goes well. There certainly is a need for more fact-checking in media. Mr. Florin and Mr. Mitchell are savvy, sensible and fair. Best of luck to you and everyone else at NewsTrust.
-- Ellie Kesselman

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