We just launched a new version of the NewsTrust review tools, to make it easier and faster for you to check and review stories on our site.
Our new review form (see screenshot) features big buttons with two choices per question. For example, we ask if a story is 'fair' or 'unfair' (instead of asking you to rate the fairness of that story on a scale of 1 to 5). Our current rating form continues to work the same of for existing reviewers, and you can easily switch between versions (use the drop-down menu at the top right of any review form).
We also streamlined our toolbar to provide a better user experience for new visitors and experienced members alike. You can now quickly view story info, star stories you like, and share them on Facebook, Twitter or email, straight from the toolbar. Our improved popup window offers the same features for sites that don't support the toolbar.
What's New
Here are some of the new features in this release:
New Review Form
- simple review form for new members
- big buttons with positive/negative answers for simple form (instead of 1-5 ratings)
- compact format shows short review form by default, with only three questions
- help balloons show quick review tips when you mouse over question marks
- expanded review section lets you add notes, comments, quotes and links
- larger text box with a lot more room for writing notes or comments
- current rating form still available for experienced reviewers
- drop-down menu lets you switch quickly between review forms
- saved settings show the same review form you used last time (expanded or not)
- no more "guest reviews" to reduce confusion and spam - only members can review now
New Toolbar & Popup
- new toolbar has been streamlined to a single line, to reduce visual clutter
- star icon lets you bookmark stories you like, and add them to your picks widget
- story info tab lets you get more information about the story you are viewing
- edit info button lets trusted members (with a level of 3 or more) edit story information
- share buttons let you quickly share stories on Facebook, Twitter, Email and more
- login link makes it easy to login or logout from the toolbar (or popup window)
- popup window offers the same features for sites that don't support our toolbar
New Review Form
Our new review form is shown by default to new members, to help them get started as reviewers. But many experienced reviewers may also find it helpful.
This simplified review form features big buttons with two choices per question: for example, we ask if a story is fair or unfair (instead of asking you to rate the fairness of that story on a scale of 1 to 5). We also offer help balloons with quick review tips when you roll over question mark buttons.
The new review form is also more compact. To quickly add a note, quote or link -- or share your review with your friends -- just click on Expand your review (see expanded view). This lets you add notes, comments, quotes and links -- using a larger text box with a lot more room for writing your reviews.
You are welcome to keep using our original rating form, if you prefer (we now call it "rating form" to distinguish it from the new review form). To switch between review forms, simply click on the drop-down menu at the top right of any form (shown to the right). This lets you preview all of our review tools. When you see a review form that you like, simply click on the yellow 'Save' button to update your settings. You can change your review settings as often as you like.
Lastly, we have discontinued "guest reviews" by non-members, to reduce confusion and spam. Going forward, you must be a registered member to review stories on NewsTrust, and you need to login before you can use the review form.
New Toolbar & Popup Windows
We also streamlined our toolbar to provide a better user experience for new visitors and experienced members alike.
You can now quickly view story info, star stories you like, or share them via Facebook, Twitter, or email, straight from the toolbar. Our improved popup window offers the same features for sites that don't support the toolbar.
To learn more about these new features, check our Toolbar Visual Guide.
Try it out for yourself! Click here to review a sample story using our new review form.
Note that if you don't like this new form, you can you can easily switch back to our current rating form, which still works the same as before (use the drop-down menu at the top right of any review form).
Go check out all these new features on our site and let us know what you think. Be sure to click on any yellow 'Review' button next to any story title to see our new review form, with all its bells and whistles.
Thanks to our Team
Many thanks to our wonderful web development team: David Fox, Subramanya Sastry and Caleb Waldorf created a much improved user experience in just a few weeks. This core team was supported by our editorial staff members Kaizar Campwala and Jon Mitchell, who worked beyond the call of duty to make this new review tool possible. Thank you all for a job well done!
Our new review tools were designed with the help of our community, through a variety of surveys, emails and conversations this year. We're very grateful to all our members, advisors, partners and friends who took the time to check our early designs, test our site and share their invaluable feedback.
Please share your comments, suggestions at the bottom of this page - or email us. What do you like most? what do you like least? did you experience any bugs? how can we improve these new review tools?
Thanks again to all our supporters for making this community effort possible. We hope that these new tools and enhanced user experience will make it easier for all of us to find and share good journalism together -- and make more informed decisions as citizens.
Fabrice Florin
Executive Director, NewsTrust
Posted by: chuck2251 | July 12, 2010 at 04:04 PM
Would like to suggest an at least barebones spell-checker. I've often lost and gave-up on a review in the process of editing and transfering between programs.
Posted by: warrior wheatman | January 24, 2011 at 08:20 PM