Since last Tuesday, when a 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti left thousands dead and its capital city in ruins, our community has searched for the most reliable journalism about this tragic event and the humanitarian response that followed. You can see the results so far on our new Haiti topic page.
An abundance of news, analysis and opinion continues to emerge from Haiti, where news organizations around the world have sent correspondents to cover all aspects of the disaster. Observers have taken to commenting on how the devastation could spur a renewed search for solutions to Haiti's generations-old social and economic problems. Others have weighed in on the troubled relationship between Haiti and the United States, some pondering whether U.S. presence will amount to an occupation in coming months.
Top Stories
So far, we've posted 90 stories (60 news, 30 opinion) about the Haiti earthquake, 21 of which have received a NewsTrust rating. Most of these have come from mainstream sources with reporters on the ground in Port-au-Prince or elsewhere in the country.
Here are some of our top rated stories about Haiti this week:
• The Tragedy of Haiti - 60 Minutes, CBS News
• Breaking the supply logjam - Time
• 'America must treat carefully in Haiti' - Der Spiegel
• Ghosts of Port-au-Prince - Foreign Policy
• In earthquake-ravaged Haiti, daunting challenges hobble relief efforts - Washington Post
• Still no sign of aid in city center - The Times
• A race against time for aid in Haiti - NPR
• Fault is not a sin - Slate
• The underlying tragedy - New York Times
• Suffering - New Yorker
Full listings
- Most trusted stories on Haiti
- Most recent stories on Haiti
Now more than a week since the earthquake struck, survivors still lack food, water and medical care. Logistical problems have overwhelmed relief efforts and many have died from injuries that would have been treatable otherwise. The Haitian government remains all but powerless as international troops arrive to maintain order and deliver aid. As the international community struggles to help speed up recovery, we'll continue to track quality journalism about Haiti.
Can you help find the best journalism on this tragic event? Please review one of the stories on our Haiti topic page. You can also post new stories for review (we're looking for more independent coverage). For the latest coverage of this topic, check our Haiti smart feed, which lists recent stories recommended by trusted sources on Twitter and around the web.
Support Haiti
Help earthquake victims in Haiti -- consider a donation to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund or some of the great charitable organizations spearheading relief
efforts. They need money, not material goods, to help deliver food,
water, medical care and other necessities. Check out this list of trusted organizations and consider a donation now.
-- by Derek Hawkins, with Fabrice Florin