Our monthly award program, which we announced in September, highlights members of our community who make outstanding contributions to our cause (see our original blog post).
Award Winners
Here are our six award winners for November:
• Top Rated Reviewer - Patricia L'Herrou
Patricia earned high ratings from other members on her reviews of stories from Boston Review, American Prospect and more.
• Most Thorough Reviewer - Samuel W. Velsor IV
Samuel regularly answered 513 questions over more than 40 story reviews last month.
• Most Active Reviewer - Tanya J. Maurer
With 87 story reviews, Tanya was our most active reviewer by a long shot.
• Top Rated Post - Chris Rocco, "Blackwater's Secret War in Pakistan"
The story Chris posted, from the Nation, received a 4.5 from six NewsTrust reviewers.
• Most Reviewed Post - Vincent Caminiti, "The Phantom Menace"
Vincent's post, a New York Times op-ed by Paul Krugman, garnered seven reviews and an overall rating of 4.4.
• Trusted Member of the Month - Christine Ahlstrom
Christine is a journalism student at Santa Clara University. Her regular participation on the site since she signed up in September and her thoughtful story reviews made her stand out for us this month -- plus, she's one of the youngest active reviewers in our community.
As a small token of our appreciation, we're sending all award winners this NewsTrust mug:
Win a Member Award
If you are a regular NewsTrust reviewer, you too could win one of our monthly awards (see last month's winners). Here are some of the ways you can qualify for a member award and increase your own member level:
• Review often
Our top rated reviewers
review and post stories regularly and thoroughly. Try to review at
least a couple times per week and answer as many questions as you can.
To review stories on our site, click 'Review' next to any story title;
a good place to start is our home page.
• Focus on the journalism
at NewsTrust, we try to rate stories based on the quality of the
journalism, not whether we agree with the views presented in these
stories. For tips on how to review on our site, check our review guide.
• Fill your profile
Take a moment to update your member profile,
so other members can get to know you. The more you share about
yourself, the higher your member level, and the more your ratings
count. Be sure to add a picture if you can.
How Member Awards Work
At the end of each month, NewsTrust
editors tally the results for each award and announce the winners in a
blog post and email newsletter.
Winners can only win one award per year. If they qualify for two
awards in the same month, they're awarded the "higher" prize.
NewsTrust staff editors and
directors cannot not qualify for these awards. Member awards
will be given again in three weeks, for reviews posted up to December 20. We will announce our December winners the week of December 21st.
We'd love to hear what you think of this new community program. Drop a comment here on the blog -- or email us directly at editors-at-newstrust-dot-net.
-- by Derek Hawkins, Kaizar Campwala and Fabrice Florin
UPDATED 1/06/2010