Updated (see below)
We're pleased to announce a new feature on NewsTrust: Comments.
To make NewsTrust more interactive and engaging for our community, we've just opened comments on all our story pages and a couple topic pages. This is a great way to discuss the news with other members, in addition to our reviewing stories on our site.
During our initial beta stage, comments are open to trusted members only-- NewsTrust reviewers with a member level of 3.0 or higher. Trusted Members typically review often on the site, have received favorable ratings from other members, with a positive validation score from NewsTrust staff.
Comments are now open on our Health Care and Climate Change topic pages. To see what our community is talking about, click the "Comments" link at the top of either page, as shown in the screen shot below.
Trusted Members: Add a Comment
If you are already a Trusted Member, try adding a comment today! You can can now comment on any story page (or on topic pages that have the "Comments" link shown above). To add a comment, simply click on the "Comments" link (or scroll to the bottom of the page), then type your notes in the "Add a Comment" box. Check our Reviewer FAQ for the fine details about adding comments, and email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Comments are a great way to compare notes with fellow reviewers, pose questions, recommend stories and discuss other issues related to these hot topics. Please keep the conversation civil and constructive. We've created comments to strengthen our community and make it a better place to talk about the news -- and we're counting on you to help make that happen.
How to become a Trusted Member
If you are not yet a Trusted Member on NewsTrust, here are some of the ways you can increase your member level and qualify for that status:
• Review often
Our top rated reviewers
review and post stories regularly and thoroughly. Try to review at
least a couple times per week and answer as many questions as you can.
To review stories on our site, click 'Review' next to any story title;
a good place to start is our home page.
• Focus on the journalism
at NewsTrust, we try to rate stories based on the quality of the
journalism, not whether we agree with the views presented in these
stories. For tips on how to review on our site, check our review guide.
• Fill your profile
Take a moment to update your member profile,
so other members can get to know you. The more you share about
yourself, the higher your member level, and the more your ratings
count. Be sure to add a picture if you can.
To find out more about Trusted Members, check our FAQ.
Based on your feedback during this beta phase, we expect to open more pages for comments on our site, and make this feature available to more members. Check out this exciting new feature and tell us what you think!
UPDATE: The conversation is already rolling! Since we launched comments last week, our members have started talking about some important issues related to health care and climate change and how the news media cover these topics. Sirajul Islam remarks that opposition to a national health care program has been "organized and powerful" since it was first proposed in 1928, under Calvin Coolidge. And Lynn Caporale and Manfred Ostrowski have offered their advice on where to find recent news about the environment, science and the coming climate change summit in Copenhagen.
Join the discussion -- leave a comment on our Health Care and Climate Change pages, or any story on NewsTrust.
-- The NewsTrust Team