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October 14, 2009


I like this effort of the News Trust And Huffington Post. It was interesting, informative, and an encouragement for the quality journalism. I've participated in the reviews, and enjoyed my time. I think, the effort will continue till the passage of the final bill. Thanks and regards.

I have tried to look into the connection between AARP and United Health Care which is the only supplimentary health care program that AARP uses. The fact that United Health care has made a very LARGE profit this past year, yet they continue to raise premium costs. I know the usual answer that I get but there must be more that one can do to encourage AARP to hold down the premium costs. United Health Care pays AARP for each person that uses United Health Care via AARP. Since there will be no cost of living increase for Medicare this year this would be another reason to encourage United Health Care to limit the costs of their premiums

gone through a few of the articles, they appear genuinely well researched, and they did a god job of covering the reforms and the effects in public life, huffington post is doing a fine job as well,


This was a pertinent post. an interesting and well-written article! I came across your post while trying to find a source for health-related topics. This is valuable information presented in a clear, concise manner. Your posts always show me that you really have some indepth knowledge about this. Quite a valuable read i must say. -Shane

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I like this effort of the News Trust And Huffington Post. It was interesting, informative, and an encouragement for the quality journalism. I've participated in the reviews, and enjoyed my time. I think, the effort will continue till the passage of the final bill. Thanks and regards.

The fact that United Health care has made a very LARGE profit this past year, yet they continue to raise premium costs.

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