We're pleased to announce the NewsTrust Member Awards!
Starting in October, NewsTrust will present monthly awards to some of of our best reviewers, to recognize their contributions in a variety of categories, such as Top Rated or Most Active Reviewer (see below).
We hope this will give our most committed members the honor they deserve for their hard work and dedication to NewsTrust's values.
In the first week of November, NewsTrust editors will analyze member activity from October and announce the winners on this blog, as well as on our home page and email newsletters. (UPDATE: Meet our Winners for October 2009)
Here are the six awards we're offering for reviewers who participate in the month of October. All NewsTrust members are eligible -- good luck!
• Top Rated Reviewer
This award will go to the member whose story reviews have the highest average rating for the month. The top rated reviewer must have completed ten or more reviews that month and received at least ten ratings from trusted members (with a member level of three or more).
• Most Thorough Reviewer
This award will go to the member whose reviews are the most in-depth, based on their average number of answers that month (e.g.: number of ratings, notes, links or quotes per review). The reviewer must have done ten or more story reviews that month to qualify.
• Most Active Reviewer
This award will go to the member who reviewed the most stories for the month. Ten or more reviews are needed to qualify.
• Top Rated Post
This award will go to the member who posted this month's top rated story. To qualify, this top rated story must have at least five reviews from trusted members.
• Most Reviewed Post
This award will go to the member who posted the story with the most reviews that month. To qualify, this story must have at least five favorable reviews from trusted members.
• Trusted Member of the Month
This award will go to the member who best applies the NewsTrust values in the eyes of the editors, through the quality of his or her reviews and other contributions to our cause. This member must have done ten or more reviews that month, these reviews must be favorably rated by other trusted members and his or her member level must be three or more.
Member award winners will be featured on our home page, newsletters and blog, and will also receive a NewsTrust mug or similar gift, as a token of our appreciation.
Winners can only receive one award per year. NewsTrust staff editors and directors cannot not qualify for these awards. Member awards will be given for the next three months, through the end of the year.
Here are some of the ways you can qualify for a member award and increase your own member level:
• Review often
Our top rated reviewers review and post stories regularly and thoroughly. Try to review at least a couple times per week and answer as many questions as you can. To review stories on our site, click 'Review' next to any story title; a good place to start is our home page.
• Focus on the journalism
Here at NewsTrust, we try to rate stories based on the quality of the journalism, not whether we agree with the views presented in these stories. For tips on how to review on our site, check our review guide.
• Fill your profile
Take a moment to update your member profile, so other members can get to know you. The more you share about yourself, the higher your member level, and the more your ratings count. Be sure to add a picture if you can.
Do you know someone who also appreciates good journalism? Send them an invitation to try out NewsTrust for themselves.
Please tell us what you think about this new community program! Drop a comment here on the blog, or email us directly at editors-at-newstrust.net.
UPDATED 1/06/2010