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June 10, 2009


First, as I understand it, President Obama was in Cairo for the first time addressing his audience where he was. Yes, the speech was an international telecast. No, I didn't hear him say that he meant his comments for the "Muslim world." ...which covers a lot of ground not all in the Gulf States or the Middle East.

In my view, he was addressing those directly concerned with the Palestinian situation -- the region, not the faith ...

Second, I saw him -- as most statesmen and academics of quality are known to do -- toss on the table the leading consensus, make the remark that it seems most viable, AND state that the United States would work 'with the regional stakeholders' to come to a resolution that would benefit the entire world. He said that a two-state solution seemed most appropriate given the history, one shared and recognized in many previous situations with similar dynamics.

Lastly, he shared with the world the encouraging observation that many have voiced interest in a two-state solution ---in private ...and should start talking about, together, in public to make it happen.

i know that!

it is nice!

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